Play Airborne Rangers | Commodore 64 Online Game (1988)

Game Info
Airborne Rangers
Airborne Rangers
Publisher: (Created with SEUCK)
Genre: SEUCK
Programmer: Chris Yates
Year: 1988
C64 Type: PAL
Played: 0 Times
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Joystick Controls
Joystick 1:
  • Left: A
  • Right: D
  • Up: W
  • Down: S
  • Fire: Left SHIFT
Joystick 2:
  • Left: Cursor left
  • Right: Cursor right
  • Up: Cursor up
  • Down: Cursor down
  • Fire: Left CTRL
C64 Emulator © 2023 Thomas Hochgoetz.
Airborne Rangers

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'Airborne Rangers' is a game written by Chris Yates and published for the Commodore 64. Created using the Shoot 'Em Up Construction Kit (SEUCK), it is a side-scrolling action game where players take on the role of a soldier navigating through enemy territory. The game features a variety of weapons and obstacles, requiring players to strategically overcome challenges while progressing through levels. The SEUCK framework allowed for a streamlined development process, resulting in a straightforward yet engaging gameplay experience. While not groundbreaking, it exemplifies the creativity of developers working within the constraints of early home computer technology.

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