Play Animated Strip Poker | Commodore 64 Online Game (1985)

Game Info
Animated Strip Poker
Animated Strip Poker
Publisher: KnightSoft Software
Genre: Poker
Programmer: Martin Nike, Storm & Tempest
Year: 1985
C64 Type: PAL
Played: 0 Times
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Joystick Controls
Joystick 1:
  • Left: A
  • Right: D
  • Up: W
  • Down: S
  • Fire: Left SHIFT
Joystick 2:
  • Left: Cursor left
  • Right: Cursor right
  • Up: Cursor up
  • Down: Cursor down
  • Fire: Left CTRL
C64 Emulator © 2023 Thomas Hochgoetz.
Animated Strip Poker

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Animated Strip Poker for the Commodore 64 is a unique and risqué take on the classic card game, blending poker mechanics with adult-themed visuals. Players engage in a game of five-card draw poker against a computer opponent, with the stakes rising as the game progresses. The twist lies in the animated sequences that accompany each round; as players win hands, their opponent gradually loses clothing, adding a playful and provocative element to the gameplay. The game’s charm comes from its simple yet engaging poker mechanics, combined with the novelty of its animated visuals, making it a memorable title for those seeking a lighthearted and unconventional gaming experience. While its content may not appeal to everyone, it remains a notable entry in the C64 library for its bold approach to blending traditional gameplay with adult humor.

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