Superhuman Crow-Ther keeps the city of Wizening safe from the tyrant The Wizard. After 100 years of building his forces and weapons, The Wizard is ready to destroy Crow-Ther and is armoured car. Once destroyed he can rule the city. Crow-Ther must drive his armoured car armed with cannons and missiles and leave the city on the freeways. This will enable him to get back to the city at a later date and destroy The Wizard.
The screen is split into two halves. The top half you can see your armoured car from the side. The joystick here moves your car forward or stops it while the fire button fires your cannons and missiles. The bottom half of the screen is a top down viewed map showing many routes to get to the end. Pushing the joystick up and down here moves the car up and down at various junctions.
Also seen on screen is your score, lives, and ammo.