Play Bug Attack | Commodore 64 Online Game (Unknown)

Game Info
Bug Attack
Bug Attack
Publisher: (Unknown)
Genre: Miscellaneous
Programmer: Brian Cotton
Year: Unknown
C64 Type: PAL
Played: 0 Times
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Joystick Controls
Joystick 1:
  • Left: A
  • Right: D
  • Up: W
  • Down: S
  • Fire: Left SHIFT
Joystick 2:
  • Left: Cursor left
  • Right: Cursor right
  • Up: Cursor up
  • Down: Cursor down
  • Fire: Left CTRL
C64 Emulator © 2023 Thomas Hochgoetz.
Bug Attack

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'Bug Attack' is a game for the Commodore 64, written by Brian Cotton and published by an unknown entity. The game is a fast-paced action title where players control a character tasked with defending a home from an onslaught of bugs. The gameplay involves moving around the screen to squash or eliminate the bugs before they overrun the house. The bugs come in various types, each with unique behaviors, adding complexity to the challenge. The player must manage limited resources, such as ammunition or tools, to fend off the relentless invasion. The game is known for its simple yet engaging mechanics and its colorful, albeit basic, graphics typical of early C64 titles.

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