Demolition is inspired by the arcade game Breakout where you control a bat to remove all the bricks on the screen over various levels. Instead of hitting a ball upwards, Demolition sees you hitting the ball across the screen from left to right, moving the bat up or down. On each screen are various blocks and these need removing with some blocks taking multiple hits to remove and some blocks that can't be removed. There are also letters and these affect your game when collected and they affect your bat, speed of the ball or just bonus points. If the ball goes past your bat then you lose one of four lives.
Two players can also play and both players can either take it in turns to clear each screen when the other player dies or play on the same screen. Each player's bat is on either end of the screen and the players must clear the bricks while avoiding letting the ball go past their bat with both players sharing four lives. Before the start of the game, the speed of the ball can be selected (1-6) with one being the fastest.
The Commodore 64 version had an editor to adjust the levels or create your own level.