Dynamix is a single screen game where you are a Primary Dynamic Rod Controller and it is now time for your annual assessment on a Dynamic Power Station Simulator to allow you to carry on your job in a real power station. The screen is split into two with you playing on the left side with the computer on the right and you have to keep two Dynamic Rods level by matching the computers movements over various levels. At the top of the screen are five Kinetic Activators off different sizes and the computer will push three before you are able to start pushing activators. When a activator hits the rod then it moves with the distance depending on the size of the activator. You must push your activators and when the rods are level then a light will flash white and if this flashes for a short time then the screen is completed and on to the next level. A timer counts down and the level must be completed before it reaches zero or it is game over and you have failed.