You are Agent One of the Galactic Police Force and you have been sent to a large factory to stop a Professor who is making gruesome creatures by machines inside five laboratories. The factory is flick-screen viewed from the side at a slightly elevated angle with the screen split into two floors and lifts need to be found and used to move about the floors to find the laboratories.
On the floors are various hazards and these include Gargoyles on the walls which open and close their eyes and if you are near while the eyes are opened then you lose part of an energy bar. Other obstacles are electrified barriers and spikes which need jumping over or you lose more energy. If the energy bar empties then it is game over. The professor makes the occasional appearance in a flying machine and will also drain energy if touched.
Once you have found the door to a laboratory you enter and the game becomes a platform game viewed from the side with the whole area shown on the screen. Here you must must move from level to level in a gap in the floor at the other end you start from and there are creatures moving about and if touched you lose energy. The Professor's assistants also move on each level and you need to remove them to stop the machines from working and this means fighting them. Once you touch an assistant then you must waggle the joystick fast to defeat them and once defeated opens a gap in the floor to move down a level. There are also objects that blow out steam and if touched sends you back to the start of a level.