Hunk Studbuckle's brother Chuck answered the call to go to Nightmare Mansion and rid it off the ghouls and ghosts that inhabit the place. That was three days ago and nothing has been heard since. It's now up to Hunk to go into the mansion and rescue his brother.
Hunk is equipped with a Sub-Compact Anti-Matter Phantom Splatterer to help get rid of the evil spirits. When Hunk enters a room his Terrormeter rises causing his Macho Energy to decrease. The spirits must be destroyed or Hunk needs to leave the room before his energy disappears. Magic potions are scattered around to replenish any lost energy.
Ghost Hunters is a flick screen platform game. Hunk is controlled with the joystick, while holding down the fire button controls the sight of his gun. In a two player game, player one controls Hunk while player two controls the sight of the gun. As well as the main playing area, also seen on screen is a Macho Energy bar, a Terrormeter and your score.