Play Helicopter! | Commodore 64 Online Game (4)

Game Info
Publisher: WizardSoft
Genre: H-Scrolling
Programmer: Dane Bigham
Year: 4
C64 Type: PAL
Played: 0 Times
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Joystick Controls
Joystick 1:
  • Left: A
  • Right: D
  • Up: W
  • Down: S
  • Fire: Left SHIFT
Joystick 2:
  • Left: Cursor left
  • Right: Cursor right
  • Up: Cursor up
  • Down: Cursor down
  • Fire: Left CTRL
C64 Emulator © 2023 Thomas Hochgoetz.

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'Helicopter!' is an engaging and challenging action game where players take control of a nimble helicopter navigating through a series of treacherous caves. The objective is to maneuver through tight, winding passages while avoiding walls and obstacles that can easily destroy your craft. The game requires precise control and quick reflexes, as the helicopter's momentum and physics make it tricky to handle. Each level increases in difficulty, introducing more complex layouts and hazards. The tension builds as you strive to reach the end of each cave, making for a thrilling and addictive experience. The game's simplicity and focus on skill-based gameplay have made it a beloved classic among Commodore 64 enthusiasts.

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