Your uncle, Smoke Bailey, was a great adventurer and explorer. In one of his adventures he found "The Most Amazing Thing", an item that holds the secrets of the universe. Unfortunately he lost it somewhere in the Mire. Now he wants you to take up the task and recover the object.
The Mire is a dangerous place, but your uncle has provided you a B-Liner as transportation as well as items you can sell at the auction at Metallica City, where you will use the money you earn to buy equipment for your travels. Good luck!
In Search of the Most Amazing Thing is a vast game, where gameplay is usually divided into 2 parts:
• Diplomacy
Diplomacy consists of how you find clues and information regarding the Most Amazing Thing. Early in the game, you only communicate with your Uncle Smoke to get items from him and sell them at the auction for the highest price. Later in the game when you're adventuring, you will meet numerous strange Mire tribes where you will barter your goods and knowledge for clues to the Most Amazing Thing.
• Adventuring
The B-Liner is something between a balloon and a beach buggy. The Mire is a very big place and dangerous place, but with the B-Liner you can drive or fly across it in no time. Beware the Mire crabs though!
You have complete control of the course of the game. There is no linear path that you must follow, making this game a new experience every time you play it, as each new game creates a random new world to explore.