Lander is a side view single screen game inspired by the arcade game Lunar Lander where you are a trainee Space Commander and before you can get your wings you have to pass your landing tests. You have to go to four different worlds, Alinduir, Colylini, Delazari and Zolopira, and using gravity to pull you down, traverse through tunnels and land on three landing pads one at a time. As you fall, you can move left or right, and you can thrust to slow down or to move upwards. You have to land on a pad before your fuel levels reach zero or it's a life lost. Once you land on a pad at the right speed then you start at the top of the screen again and attempt to land on a different pad. If you crash into the surface, tunnel walls or land too fast on a pad then you lose one of three lives. Four players can play and each play takes it in turns to land and the next player has a go when the last player has lost a life. There are also three skill levels that can be selected (1-3).