Mech Brigade is a platoon level tactical simulation of armored warfare, depicting a hypothetical battle between the forces of NATO and the Soviet Union. The game may be played by up to 2 players (both of which may be human or AI), who can either choose to play one of the 4 historical scenarios or may elect to build their own scenario. NATO players may choose a nationality from France, Great Britain, the United States, or West Germany. The game also has 5 handicap (difficulty) levels.
Gameplay consists of two phases, the orders phase, where player(s) give orders to each individual unit under their control and the combat phase, where all units carry out their orders one unit at a time. Units, although in majority are armored vehicles, may also consist of attack helicopters, artillery, and infantry. The game will automatically end after 15 turns (20 if there is an assault battle being played). However a game may be ended earlier or continue after it has ended if all sides agree. At the end of the game victory points will be awarded which will determine whether the battle was a draw, marginal, substantive, or decisive victory.