Snide Gaintree and his Mercenaries has taken over a top-secret Air-Force base in the South Pacific containing cruise-missiles, and in less than four hours will be in control of the missiles. You have been sent in a state-of-the-art jetfighter to fly through the various caverns under the base to stop Gaintree in this side view flick screen shooter. As you fly you will encounter various enemy as well as gun-placements and lasers used as gates and if you touch any of these then you lose a life (five on the C64, nine on the C16). Your plane is armed though with various weapons from a standard forward shot to limited 3 direction, vertical shot and a laser. You also have limited shields but more can be collected by shooting barrels. Each level is 20 screens and at the end is an end of level boss that needs destroying to move to the next level.