3D monster maze | Classic retro game for the Commodore PET Computer

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3D monster maze

3D monster maze

Publisher: Tynemouth Software
Genre: Labyrinth/Maze
Programmer: Dave Curran
Language: English
Downloads: 9
Website: Author's Page

  • Click Start Game
  • Wait for diskload to complete.
  • PET Emulator © 2014 Thomas Skibo.




    Game Notes

    This is a remake for the Commodore PET of Malcolm Evans' classic ZX81 / TS1000 game 3D Monster Maze.

    Explore a randomly created 3D maze trying to locate the exit and avoid the other inhabitant of the maze, a Tyrannosaurus Rex who is out to get you.

    This will run on a PET / CBM 4032, Mini PET or Mini PET 40/80. Older PETs upgraded to 32K and BASIC 4 should also work ( although not the 2001 with the built in datasette). Mini PET 40/80 owner can also use 80 column mode for a special cheat / trainer mode which provides a Pterodactyl's eye view of the maze to help you find the exit and learn how Rex's simple brain works.

    The file provided is a PRG file that can be loaded on a real PET or an emulator.

    Physical copies on cassette are also available from :

