Brickblasta | Classic retro game for the Commodore PET Computer (2022)

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Publisher: Self Published
Genre: Breakout/Pong
Programmer: MilaSoft
Year: 2022
Language: (Unknown)
Downloads: 1
Website: Brick Blasta

  • Click Start Game
  • Wait for diskload to complete.
  • PET Emulator © 2014 Thomas Skibo.




    Game Notes

    Brick Blasta is a mix of Arkanoid and Breakout. The object of the game is to break all of the bricks and advance to the next level. There are 4 levels.

    Source code is included. By editing the levels (l1, l2, l3 and l4) to 0 and 1 (blank or tile) on the 18 by 7 grid, you can create your own levels. I had planned to add firing at the bricks but I lost interest in continuing this game.

    Some of the falling objects will do the following:

    - increase speed
    - increase or decrease paddle size
    - bonus points
    - magnet mode (allows you to capture the ball)

    There is no music, only basic sound effects for the PET. Feel free to add your own sound effects to the source code (C64 Studio). You can modify the code as you see fit.

    Also, I borrowed some of the code for the ball from another Breakout game so that the ball utilizes four position per square, making it more smooth. I don't know who the author of the game was.
