Paladin (Defender) v2 | Classic retro game for the Commodore PET Computer (1982)

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Paladin (Defender) v2

Paladin (Defender) v2

Publisher: Kevin Pickell
Genre: Defender
Programmer: Kevin Pickell
Year: 1982
Language: English
Downloads: 3

  • Click Start Game
  • Wait for diskload to complete.
  • PET Emulator © 2014 Thomas Skibo.




    Game Notes

    My high school had PET 3032s.

    Over the summer between grade 11 and 12 I bought a PET but mine was the latest 4032 model.

    Space Invaders would not run on my PET because the ROMS were slightly different so I taught myself 6502 machine code and modified Space Invaders so it would run on both 3032 and 4032 machines.

    One of my good friends loved the game Defender and asked me to write a PET version. I told him the PET was not powerful enough to do it. A few months later I saw a version of Scramble on the PET and was amazed that it played so well and decided to try and write a Defender clone.

    I only had a cassette tape player on my PET so my version of Defender (I called it "Paladin") was written in 13k of machine code using the hex editor.
