Star Trek 3D | Classic retro game for the Commodore PET Computer

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Star Trek 3D

Star Trek 3D

Publisher: (Unknown)
Genre: War
Programmer: M.H. Clements
Language: English
Downloads: 5

  • Click Start Game
  • Wait for diskload to complete.
  • PET Emulator © 2014 Thomas Skibo.




    Game Notes

    The excellent 3D Star Trek by M P McDonald and M H Clements for 3000 series 40-column PETs. Does not fully work on the 4000 series, and not at all on the 8000 series.
    Keys: D=damage report, I+number=impulse drive, L=long range scan, P+number=launch photon torpedo (steer with shift and normal steering keys), home=steer counter clockwise coarse, down=steer counter clockwise fine, del=steer clockwise coarse, right=steer clockwise fine, maybe other keys?
    Battle stations: number keys; space to fire

    A version of 3D Star Trek for the original PET 2001 firmware. The battle stations have better graphics than the version for newer ROMs.
