Tetris v1.5 (all models) | Classic retro game for the Commodore PET Computer (2010)

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Tetris v1.5 (all models)

Tetris v1.5 (all models)

Publisher: Self Published
Genre: Tetris
Programmer: Tim Howe
Year: 2010
Language: English
Downloads: 3

  • Click Start Game
  • Wait for diskload to complete.
  • PET Emulator © 2014 Thomas Skibo.




    Game Notes

    I have slightly expanded Tim Howe's Tetris version from 2010. With version 1.5 you can now set the start level at the beginning.

    There are 3 variants: tetris8k is intended for computers with only 8k. The game is the same, just a few texts and the home screen away.

    The normal version is tetris, and dactetris uses a DAC converter on the user port. The latter can be activated in Vice under Settings -> "Cartridge IO Settings" -> "Enable User Port DAC". For this version you need 32k.

    The game was created in C using CC65. Detlef had adapted the libraries so that it would run correctly on the 4000s. I adapt it to the different keyboards because the scan code is interpreted differently (depends on the type of keyboard or the built-in ROM).
