Select A Game 17+4 3-deep Space 3D Doolhof 3D Labyrinth(1) 3d labyrinth(2) 3D Maze 3D Silicon Fish 3D Tic-Tac-Toe 3D Time Trek 4 op een Rij (NL) 8play A-maz-ing Aardvark Attack (Y) Abductor (1982)(Llamasoft) acey ducey Acrobat Add'em Up! (1982)(Wunderware) Adventure (Y)(-) (8K) aerials Air Defence (Y) Airplane (Y) AIRRAID20 alfabug Alien Attack Alien Blitz alien overun alien panic Alien Plague Alien Raiders (Micro-Spec) Alien Vortex Alien Wars alien waster alien alien2 alienblitz alienrush alientrooper alpha anxiety Alpha Blaster alpha-shoot Alphoids Amazing Maze-a000 Amidar 32k Amok (1981)(Roger Merrit) Ampumapeli (19xx)(Sami Kopisto) Andes Attack (Y)(Llamasoft) (8K) Annihilator (1982)(Rabbit) Another Vic in the Wall (1982)(Bug-Byte) AntiISDAWarrior Antimatter Splatter (Y) Ape Escape-a000 Arcadia (1982)(Imagine) Arrow Artillery asteroid patrol Asteroids (NL) (Y) Asteroids 5 (Y)(Bug-Byte) Astro Fighter (T.R. Flanders) Astro Panic (Craig Bruce) Astroblitz-a000.PAL astroshy astro_nell_(pal) Atlantis-a000.PAL atom shoot ATROSTORM Attack of the Mutant Camels-a000 Auto Race (1981)(Handic) Auto Rallye Autobahn autobaun 8k Avaruuspeli (19xx) Avenger-a000 avoid AWARIV aztec_challenge backgammon Baja 1000 Baldor's Castle Balloon Dodger.t64 balloons balls to the walls bandit Bank Raid.t64 Barricade (Nl) (Y)(Courbois) Barrier Battle (Y) baseball bat and ball Battlefield (1983)(Kingsoft) battleship(1) battleship battleships Battlestar Galactica (Nl) (Y) Beekeeper (Y) BEETRAP berzerk-mmx+ berzerk-mmx Bewitched (Y)(Imagine) Big Bad Wolf (1982)(Bruce Robinson) Bird Hunt (Nl) (Y)(J. Meys) bird invasion bitfours Bke Black Hole-a000.PAL black jack black-jack Blackjack (Y)(Sean & Jack Kruuv) blackjack(1) blackjack Blam! (Y) Blitz blockade Blockbuster Blondell (Y) Blue Meanies from Outer Space (1981)(Commodore) bluestar boggler Bomb Scare (1982)(Bruce Robinson) bomb scare Bomber (1983)(Cascade) Bomber (19xx)(M. Herrijgers)(de) bomber attack(1) bomber attack Bomber(1) bomber(2) Bomber(3) Bomber(4) bomber BomberWord-A000 Bombing Run (Y) bombs away Bommenwerper (Nl) (Y) Bonking Barrels (Y) Bonzo Boss Chess 1.1 bounce 1989 Bounce Out (1981)(Creative) Bowling Champ (Y) box boxkampf Break Out (Y) break out break-fast Break-Out Breakaway (Y) breakout(1) breakout(2) breakout breakout3 brick it Bridge-60 Bridge-a0 Buffalo-Bill Bug Crusher-a000 Bug-Byte Cosmiads (Y)(S. Munnery) buggy Bunny Hop (Y) Burning Building (1981)(The Code Works) Cabby Cannonball Blitz-2000 Cannonball Blitz-a000 Canyon Runner (Y) canyon Car Chase (1981)(Commodore) Car Crash Car Drive car race Cardswipe Carling carnageofkarn Castle Dark (Y)(-) (16K) Castlemaze (Y)(-) (16K) Catacombs (Y) Catcha Trooper (Y) catchthefish Caterpilla Caterpillar cave stormer Cave-in-a000 cave-in Cavern Raider (Y)(Solar) Caves (19xx) Caves of Ice Caves of Silver CB Slot VI CB Slot VIII Centipod cento chameleon chance character assassination Chariot Race (Y)(Micro Antics) (8K) Charlemagne's Sword Checkers 1.0 (Y) Checkers Compute Checkers Chicken Catcher Chimp Chase China Clan (1982)(Commodore)(de) chobin ita 16k Chomper Man chomper(1) chomper Choplifter-a000 Chopper (Y) Chuck Norris Superkicks-a000 Citadel (Y)(-) (3K) City Bomber (1982)(Creative) city bomber close-encounters-a000 Closeout Cloudburst-a000 Clowns-a000 Cobra(1) cobra(2) cobra Code Breaker Code Maker codebreaker coin pot Colonel's House colourcode cometfall Computer Adventure Computer War Congo Bongo-a000 Connect 4 (1997) (Keith Pomakis) contact coppa-rl coppa copy cat Cosmic Bouncer Cosmic Cruncher-a000 Cosmic Crusader (1982)(Microfex) Cosmic Firebirds (1983)(Solar) (16K) Cosmic Jailbreak-a000 Cosmic Snake (1982)(Mis) Cosmonaut (Y)(Melbourne) count the hearts Country Garden Craps (Y) crater hop Crater Raider-a0 Crawler (Y)(Anirog) Crazey Cavey crazy climber Crazy Eights (Y)(-) (3K) Crazy Kong Crazy Thief Creepy Corridors-a000 Cremlin (NL) (1982) critical mass Critters (Y)(Rabbit) (16K) Crossfire-a000.PAL croussaider Crush Crumble and Chomp cryptic numbers cube bert 16k cupids arrow Cyclons-a000 cypher D'Fuse-a000 dam busters dare devil Dark Dungeons dark fortress ddash Deadly Duck-a000 Deadly Skies-a000 Death House Death Serpent Death Ship (Y)(-) (8K) Death Zone Deathrace deathship Deathtrap decipher Defend 'em Defender Defenders, the (Y) Deflection (Y)(Addcom Electronics) Deflector Deflex V (1981)(Llamasoft) deliverer demolition Demon Attack-a000.PAL Demons of Osiris (Y) depth charge Derby Dash (1983)(Cascade) Descent to Kaylon Destroyer (Y) Dig Dug-2000 Dig Dug-a000 Digger (Y) digits dodgecars Dodgems (Y) domino(1) Domino Donkey Kong (1983)(V. Ackenhausen) (8K) Donkey Kong-2000 Donkey Kong-a000 Doolhof Dots (1985)(B.W. van Schooten) Dots downhill doyoursums Drag Strip Dragon Maze dragon Dragonfire-a000 dragons lair dragonwing Dream Droids (NL) (Y)(-) (3K) droids Duck Shoot (Y) duck shoot(1) duck shoot Duel Duikboten dumper Dungeon (1981)(Andrew Colin) dungeon Dunjon Master dunjon1 dunjon2 Earth Defense Earth Invaders (Y) Earthquake earthworm eggsalad Einsiedler Elektrisch Hek (19xx) Eliza (Y)(-) (8K) Encounter (1982)(Pixel Productions) (16K) Escape from Mount Drash escape exchange Explore the Miser's House (1982)(Usi) (16K) Explore the Morloc's House (1982)(Softi) (16K) Expulsion Exterminator Falcon's Lander Fantasia (1983)(Interceptor) Fantasia Land Farm Game 16k fast add Fast Eddie-a000 fatman Fickle FIFA fifa2010 fifteen Fifth Challenge Fighter Aces Fire Fighter II (1982)(Luna) Fire Galaxy (1983)(Kingsoft) (16K) fire trek first math Flesh Eaters (Y)(Cascade) Flightpath 737 (1984)(Anirog) (8K) Flightsimulator Flipper Ball Flowers of Evil flying witches Football Manager (1984)(Addictive Games) (8K) Force Field (Y)(Cascade) forest glider formula 1 four thought Fourth Encounter, the (1983)(Creative sparks-Thorn EMI) (16K) Frank Frantic Freeway Zapper Freeze Factory, the (Y)(-) [h] Frog Frogchase (Y) Froggee Frogger-a000 Frogger Froggy Frogman-a0 Frogrun fruitmachine funky monkey Galactic Abductors (1983)(Anirog) (16K) Galactic Blitz (Y) Galactic Crossfire (1982)(MIS) Galactic Dogfight (Y)(Cascade) Galaxian-a000 Galaxy (Nl) (Y) Galaxzions (1982)(Interceptor) gallows Game of Life Game Theory game theory 3k gametheory GameTheory2 gametheory2 ganymede Garden Wars-a000 Garten Gator Beach (Y)(Sean Gilman & Marcello Belloli) (8K) Geh-Panzer geldsamml-3k Ghost Ghost Attack (NL) (Y)(P. v.d. Woude) Ghost Manors-a000 ghost Ghosthunt (Y) ghosts Gladiator Gluecky Go Left Gobang (1982)(Commodore) (3K) Goblin (Y)(Compute) Gold Fever-a000 Golden Baton, the (1982)(Brian Howarth-Leisure) (8K) goldrush Golf (Y)(-) (3K) Golf Gomoku Goodbye Charlie (Y) gord GORF-a000 gotcha Grand Prix (Y) grand prix(1) grand prix(2) grand prix Grandmaster (1982)(Kingsoft) (8K) graphic twister Grasmaaier (NL) (Y)(Courbois) Grid Racer (Y)(Cascade) Gridder (Y) Gridrunner (1982)(Llamasoft) groundattack Guardian (1981)(SFC) Guess (19xx) Gunfight (1983)(J.P. Shay) GunfightSumlock Hangman (Y)(-) (16K) hangman(1) Hangman(2) hangman(3) hangman(4) hangman Hangmath (1981)(Creative) (3K) Hardhat Climber (Y) haunted house haunted manor hauntedhouse HawkmenOfDindrin headbanger heat seeker Heaven and Hell Hebbes (NL) (1982)(-) (3K) heist Helikopter (1983)(W. Hanke) Hellgate Hidden Maze high noon Hoger-Lager (NL) (Y) hopfrog Hopper hoppy horse racing Hospital Adventure (1983)(Bruce Robinson) houseofdemons Houses (Y)(-) (16K) howmany3 Huerdenlauf IFR (Flight Simulator)-a000 Improbable War Insluit Spel Intruder (Y) Invade (Y) Invader Fall (Y) invaders Invasion aus dem All invasion(1) invasion IOS40 Island of Secrets20 Jackpot (other) (Y)(Mr. Chip) Jackpot (Y)(Mr. Chip) jackpot Jatzee Jawbreaker II.PAL-a000 jaws Jelly Monsters-fixed-a000 Jet Flight (Y)(Cascade) JetMobile (Y) Jetpac (1983)(A.C.G.) (8K) jewels-deluxe jewels Journey Juggler (Y)(-) (3K) jump Jumping Jack Jupiter Defender (Y) Jupiter Lander-a000 K&K kablam Kaktus Kanonade katakombi katko Kaylon (Y) Key Scan (Alien Wars) (Y)(SFC Soft) keyquest-a000 Kiddie Checkers Killer Comet Knight Out (1983)(Cascade) knights move koi Kolom Raden (19xx)(-)(nl) Kongo Kong Kosmic Kamikaze (1982)(Umi) (8K) Krazy Kong (1983)(Anirog) (16K) Krazy Kong(1) krazy kong Krell (1982)(Rabbit) kweepoutmc La Corona di Pietra Laivanupotus (19xx) Laser Barrage Laser Zone learning to count Lemonade letter attack Lighthouse lineup Lite Bike (1983)(Cascade) Little Kong (De) (Y) Lochinvar's Maze log run logic Lost Dutchman's Gold lost kids Lucifer Spel Ludwig's Lemon Lasers luftkampf Lunar Lander (1983)(Cascade) lunar_blitz Maanlanding (NL) (Y)(-) (3K) macmason mad drivers mad-rush magicmirror Mancala (NL) (Y) Mangrove Root (Y) mansion adventure Marble Hunt (Y) mars adventure Martian Prisoner Martian Raider maskenmax Mastermind (1982)(W. v. Beusekom)(nl) Mastermind (NL) (3K) mastermind match-em math dungeon Math Hurdler Math Quiz (Y) mathman MATRIX Max (1984)(Kingsoft) maze amaze Maze Eater (Y) maze venture Maze-a000 maze Medieval Joust-a000 mega omega 8k Memory (NL) (Y) memory cubes Metagalactic Llamas Metamorphosis (1982)(Mike Wacker) Meteor Blaster Meteor Maze Meteor Run (Y)(UMI) (8K) meteor shower Meteorit Meteoroids (1983)(Cascade) Meteors (1981)(SFC) meteor_storm micro puzzle midway campaign Mille Bornes mimic Mind Boggle Mindbusters Mine Madness-a000 Minefield (1982)(Creative) minefield(1) Minefield(2) minefield Minenraumkommando Miner 2049'er-a000 Miner mini-karate miniature golf Minotaur Minotaurs Treasure (1983)(Cascade) Missile Command (1997)(B.W. van Schooten) Missile Command Missile Panic Missing Maze mobiili Mobile Attack (16K) Mole Attack-a000 Mole hole (1983)(Cascade) Moles Money Wars-a000 Moneysnake (Y) monkeybit Monopoly (De) (1982)(P. Weps) (16K) Monster Maze-a000 Monster Maze monster wrestling Monsters uit de Ruimte (1981)(Handic) Moon Base Alpha (1982)(Bruce Robinson) (3K) Moon Defender Moon Patrol (19xx)(C. Tag) moon patrol Moonlander (Y)(-) [different] Moons of Jupiter (1982)(D. Byrden-UMI) (8K) Mord in Hollywood Mosaic Puzzle Mosquito Infestation-a000 Mosquito moto-race Motocross Racer-a000 Motorcross MotorMouse Motorway(1) Motorway(2) motorway Moving Maze Mower Mania (1983)(Acme) (16K) mrpivot Mukade Muncher (1982)(Ray Mitchell) Munchman Munchmath Mutant Herd-a000 Myriad Mystery at Marple Manor Mystery Spell Mystery Napoleon Nemesis part2 nemesis Neutron Zapper (Galactic) Nevets - Land of Adnerb (Y) New York Blitz Nibblers (Y) Night Crawler (1982)(Interesting) Night Forest the (19xx)(Your Computer) Night of the Ninja Night Racer nightdrive-a0 nightmare park nim nomess nomess notrees notrees2 Noughts and Crosses (16K) noughts nuclear attack nukewar number game Number Quest Number Snake o and xs Obst Obstakel OdiEstAmo odiestamo Odyssee 2000 (16K) Oil Tycoon Oil-panic (Y)(Home Computer) Old Shurehand Olympia omak omari omega fury omemato One Armed Bandit (1983)(Cascade) One On One only you first only you Operation Ganymed (De) Orb (Nl) (Y)(Impact) (16K) Orbis orbit orbits othello Othello (Y)(-) (3K) othello 2 othello ouranos!_v1 Outpost (Y) owerri p-deliveryman Pac-Man-a000 pac-man Pakacuda (Y) Parachute Paratrooper-a000 Paratrooper Pathway pedestrian polo Pegs Pelmanism Perilous Cavern 16k Perils of Willy (Y)(-) (16K) Pet Nuclear Power Plant (pal) Pharao pharaoh's treasure pickupgame Pillow Fight pilot pursuit Pinball (Y) Pipes-a000 Pit pizza videogame Planetoids (1983)(Cascade) Plasma Bolt (1983)(Cascade) platform game pocketracer2 pocketracers Poker (Y) Poker Compute poker(1) poker Polaris-a000 Pollywog pong pontoon(1) pontoon pool(1) pool(2) Pool pools collector Pooyan Potholes (Y)(Kevin Philips) Potholes I (1983)(Craig Bruce) Potholes II (Y)(Craig Bruce) Potholes III (Y)(Craig Bruce) Potholes IV (Y)(Andrew Galluchon) Potholes V Potholes VIII Predator-a000 Princess and Frog-a000 Prost Protector-a000 Psycho Shopper (1984)(Mastertronic) (16K) Punch (1982)(Christian-a Bohn) punchy 16k punktefresser puzzler Pyramid (Y)(-) (8K) Q-Warrior (Y)(Bug-Byte) (8K) qerbs Quackers-a000 Quasimodo 8k quassy quast Quatrainment Quest quikman+8k quikman-8k quikman quikman2k8 quirk quix Quizard (Y)(Craig Bruce) Rabbit Blitz (Y)(C. Simun) Race Fun Race Track (Y)(Sean and Jack Kruuv) Race-Driver Racer Radar Landing (Y)(Cascade) Radar Rat Race-a000 Raid on Fort Knox-a000 Raid on Isram Rail rainbows Raket Kommando RallyX-a0 Rat Hotel-a000 Rat Man rat trap rata-ajo Rattenvanger re-beep reconn20 Red Alert(1) red alert red balloons Reflection regenbogen remedy rennfahrer repel Rescue at Rigel Return To Fort Knox Revenge of Cyon Reversi Rhino (Y) Richthofens Revenge rifle range Rijtest River Rescue (1982)(Thorn Emi) (8K) [h] Road Driver (Y)(Andrew Galluchon) Road Race-a000 Road Racer (1985) (Andrew Galluchon) Road Rally Road Toad (1982)(Nibbles & Bits) Roader roadrace Robin Hood-a000 robingoesskiing robot chase robot math Robot Panic-a000 robotremix robotriot robovic Rocket Command (Y) rocket command(1) rocket command rocket docket Rocket rockyisland romuralli_2 Rotation roto Rox III roxii Rubik's Cube (Y)(F.M. Club) (3K) Rugby (Y)(H. Nakano) rulerdueler safari Safe salmon run 3k sammakko Samsara (Nl) (8K) santa Sargon II Chess-a000 Satellite Patrol-a000 Saucer Shooter (Y) saurer regen save the shuttle Scare City Motel (1982)(Commodore) Schieten Schloss Gruselstein schmatzer Scorpion-a000 Scram20 Scrambler Sea Hunt (1981)(Creative) (3K) Sea Wolf-a000 search Seawolfe (Y)(Mogul) (16K) secret agent seek and destroy senso Sentinel (1983)(Cascade) Serpentine.PAL-a000 SETI Shadowfax Shamus-orig-a000 shape match shifty 8k shish-ka-bob shoot shootout side shot Sidewinder (1982)(Tronix) (8K) siege catapult Siege(1) siege Sigma Mission signal box Simon(1) simon Simpelpac (NL) (Y)(-) (8K) Sir Lancelot-a000 six gunner Ski Run.t64 Skibbereen-a000.PAL skier Skippingball (De) (1983)(Systax) skirun Skramble (1982)(Rabbit) Skramble (Y)(Anirog) (16K) Skull Castle (1983)(Cascade) (8K) skulls of the pyramid Sky Diver (Y) sky lander Skyhawk (Y)(K.F. Hubers) (8K) Skymath Sleuth slide puzzle slideem Slither (1981)(Commodore) slot machine Smash smashout Snake Bite Snake Byte-a000 snake escape Snake Pit (Y)(Mike Singleton) Snake snakman Snertle Snipers (Y) snorkel snowman_alphabet snusmaze Soccer (Y) solarian-v Solitair sorcery11 Space Attack Space Division Space Dock (Y) Space Docking space duel space fight Space Fighter space frenzy space hero Space Invaders (Y) Space Math space mines space mouse Space Phreaks (AKA Space Phreeks) (1982)(Interesting) Space Rescue Space Ric-o-shay-a0 Space Scramble (Y) Space Ship (Y)(Cascade) Space Shooter (Y) Space Snake-a000 space tactics Space Trader spacerocks Spacerunner spacesearch Speed Boat (Y) Speedski spelit spellbound Spider City-a000.NTSC spider-mountain-8k spiders maze Spiders Web (joy fixed) Spike's Peak-a000 Spills and Fills-a000 splash sportsport Sprite Invaders spyflight spymouse spyremix square puzzle squash squeak Squirrel Quest Star Battle-a000 star chaser Star Defence (Y)(Kingsoft) (16K) [b] Star Fall (1983)(Cascade) star fighter star frog Star Post-a000 Star Quest Star Tramp star treck Star Trek (Nl) (Y)(-) (8K) Star Trek (Y)(maybe cascade) (16K) star wars starfight Starship Escape starworms Stock Stoneville Manor (Y)(Dany Hubalek) (16K) storm Sub Chase (1982)(Umi) (8K) sub hunt Submarine (Y)(Himer Datenservice) (16K) Submarine Commander (1983)(Thorn Emi) (16K) Submarines.prg (Y)(Cascade) Subspace Striker (Y)(-) (16K) Sudoku Supavaders (1983)(K-Tel) Super Amok-a000 Super Breakout (1982)(J.P. Shay) Super Breakout Super Cobra Super Frog (De) (1982)(HG) (16k) super hi-lo Super Slither (1981)(Commodore) Super Smash-a000 super snap Super Star Trek (1982)(Rojo) (16K) super vic robber superchase Superknight Supervaders - The Game of War (1983)(Cascade) Superventure (Y)(Craig Bruce) (8K) surround Swarm (1983)(Temptation) Sword of Fargoal (1982)(Epyx) (16K) Sword of Hrakel tacco Takeover tally tammerfors Tank Atak-a0 Tank Commander (1984)(Thorn Emi) (8K) tank gunner Tank vs Ufo (Y) tank vs ufo Tank War (Y)(Rabbit) tank Tankslag (Y)(-) (3K) tankwars-a000 target shoot Target teaser TenTen TENTEN2 Terminal Invaders (Y) Terraguard-a000 Tetris Alternate Version Tetris Deluxe 3K tetris Texas Jack (NL) (Y) The Catch the crypt the derby The Dungeons The Explorer the island The Lair The Pit The Slicker Puzzle the thing The Tomb the-temple-v1 theguardian thekeep Thin Ice (Y)(Cascade) Thinking Harder thinking Three Card Brag (1983)(Cascade) (8K) Threshold-a000 Thriller Thunder Flash (1983)(Temptation) Thunderbird (Y) Tic-Tac-Toe(1) tic-tac-toe Tik Tak Tor Time Capsule Time Destroyers (Y)(Romik) (8K) Time Machine, the (Y)(Brian Howarth-Leisure) (8K) Timebomb (Y) Titan-a000 To The Top Tom Tomarc the Barbarian-a000 Tomb of Drewan, the (Y)(Trevor Pitts) (16K) Tooth Invaders-a000 Topper-a000.NTSC Toptrainer torg Tower of Evil, the (1984)(Thorn Emi) (8K) Tower of Hanoi tower of terror Traffic Jam (Y) Tram Line Trap (1981)(Creative) (3K) Trap-man Trap Trashman-a000 Traxx (Y)(LLamasoft) (16K) Treasure Hunt tree tutor trench tribbles 2009 tribbles 8k Tron (1983)(Thomas Wysocki) (8K) tron(1) Tron(2) tron tunnel run TUNNLRUN tuntematon Turmoil-a000 Turtle Bridge (1983)(Cascade) Turtle Races Tutankham-a000 Twonkie Type Attack-a000 typing derby Typing Trainer Typing ufo pilot ufo-jagd UFO UFO2 ufoescapers Ultimate Tank (1982)(-) (8K) Ultra Breakout (Y)(Andrew Galluchon) Un Valley, the (Y)(-) (16K) ventti VIC 21 - Casino Style Blackjack (1981)(Commodore) vic bones Vic Chess Vic Flip (Y) VIC Fruit (NL) (Y) Vic Panic (Y) VIC Pong vic rally Vic Scramble Vic Viper VIC Zeeslag (NL) (Y)(-) (3K) vic-lc Vic-Tac-Toe (19xx)(Craig Bruce) Vic-Yahtzee Vicherman vicman Vicmen vicolumn vicside boxing vicsplat-beta victrix Video Vermin-a000 Videomania-a000 videopoker vinvader viq-bert VIQ-BERT Visible Solar System-a000 volos vuokatti Wakken&Ijsbeeren Wall Defense Wall Street Wallet Walker wanted war warlock warp weather-20 werewolf whack-e whack Wheeler whirley wimp witchway-a000 Word Find.ex word games word guess Word Match (19xx)(Gazette) word scramble World at War-a000 worldcup Worm of Bemer Worm-Out2 wormy-3k Wumpus (Nl) (1984)(K.F. Hubers) (8K) Xeno II (1982)(Anirog) (16K) yacht youcount Zac-man (1983)(A.H.) (3K) zap-zap zap zapactris Zeeslag Zig Zago
Unexpanded ($1000-$1FFF)
3K ($0400-$1FFF)
8K ($1000-$3FFF)