Temple of Apshai | Classic retro game for the Commodore PET Computer (1979)

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Temple of Apshai

Temple of Apshai

Publisher: Automated Simulations
Genre: RPG 2D
Programmer: Michael Farren
Year: 1979
Language: English
Downloads: 5
Website: PET Food

  • Click Start Game
  • Wait for diskload to complete.
  • PET Emulator © 2014 Thomas Skibo.




    Game Notes

    Temple of Apshai is the first and most successful of the Dunjonquest titles is a long form game spanning four dungeons with more than 200 rooms with detailed descriptions. It was also ported to more platforms than any of the other games. Other than most RPGs it has no specific goal, and the player merely explores the eponymous temple to amass treasure and gain experience.

    lvl 1-4 Temple of Apshai
    lvl 5-8 Upper Reaches of Apshai
    lvl 9-12 Curse of Ra

    Drive 0 (zero) if using the original disk.Levels 1-4 = Temple of Apshai
