Play 3D Scacchi Simulator | Commodore 64 Online Game (1991)

Game Info
3D Scacchi Simulator
3D Scacchi Simulator
Publisher: Simulmondo
Genre: Chess
Programmer: Giovanni Tamburi
Year: 1991
C64 Type: PAL
Played: 0 Times
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Joystick Controls
Joystick 1:
  • Left: A
  • Right: D
  • Up: W
  • Down: S
  • Fire: Left SHIFT
Joystick 2:
  • Left: Cursor left
  • Right: Cursor right
  • Up: Cursor up
  • Down: Cursor down
  • Fire: Left CTRL
C64 Emulator © 2023 Thomas Hochgoetz.
3D Scacchi Simulator

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'3D Scacchi Simulator,' developed by Giovanni Tamburini and published by Simulmondo in 1988, is a chess simulation game for the Commodore 64. The game features a three-dimensional representation of the chessboard, a notable technical achievement for the platform at the time. Players could engage in matches against the computer or another human opponent, with the AI offering varying difficulty levels to accommodate different skill levels. The game’s interface allowed players to rotate the 3D board for better visualization, enhancing the strategic experience. While simplistic by modern standards, it was a unique attempt to bring a more immersive chess experience to the C64.

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